sábado, 3 de setembro de 2011

Participem da nossa enquete!

Com intuito de compartilhar  materiais não oficiais da banda, disponibilizaremos bootlegs/shows para que os cranfãs votem e escolham qual material poderá ser disponibilizado para download. Os bootlegs oferecidos na enquete atual são:

  • West Palm Beach USA 1999 - Lound and Clear Tour

Set List:

1- God Be With You
2- Promises
3- Animal Instinct
4- Ode To My Family
5- Sunday
6- Linger
7- Wanted
8- Salvation
9- Go Your Own Way
10- Pretty
11- You & Me
12- Daffodil Lament
13- I Can't Be With You
14- Waltzing Back
15 - Zombie
16- Ridiculous Thogths
17- Dying In The Sun
18- Shattered
19- Just My Imagination
20- Liar
21- Dreams

  • Hamburg/Germany 1999 - Loud and Clear Tour

Set List:

1- Promises
2- Animal Instinct
3- Lound and Clear
4- Ode To My Family
5- Linger
6- Still Can't
7- Salvation
8- Saving Grace
9- You and Me
10- Daffodil Lament
11- I Can't Be With You
12- Ridiculous Thoughts
14- Zombie
15- Pretty
16- Shattered
17- Dreams

  • Live Buenos Aires/Argentina 2010 - Reunion Tour

Set List:

1- How
2- Animal Instinct
3- Linger
4- Ordinary day
5- Wanted
6- You and Me
7- Dreaming My Dreams
8- When Your're Gone
9- Daffodil Lament
10- I Can't Be With You
11- Pretty
12- Ode To My Family
13- Free To Decide
14- Waltzing Back
15- Switch of The Moment
16- Salvation
17- Ridiculous Thoughts
18- Zombie
19- Empty
20- The Journey
22- Dreams


Um comentário:

  1. Eu gistaria que o show de buenos aires fosse disponibilizado pra download...
    Abraços !
